Thursday, March 21, 2013

Lovely Louvre

As Mark and I took in beautiful and interesting paintings and sculptures at the Louvre, where there are over 380,000 objects in the collection and over 35,000 on display, I was struck by the splendor of the palace that is home to this collection.

We enjoyed the Italian Renaissance paintings and the extensive collection of Dutch, Flemish, and German paintings, but at each turn in the buildings I was taken with the grace, proportion, and design of the museum building itself.

The Grand Gallery where the Da Vincis may be seen is a crush of humanity with school groups and tour groups jostling to see the Mona Lisa and Da Vinci's Virgin of the Rocks. I had a whole room of Rembrandt's to myself in the Richelieu Wing where the Northern School is housed.

It was a grand experience: the Louvre is gracious with beauty but constraint where the Vatican Museum is so opulent as to overshadow the art works.

1 comment:

  1. I too enjoyed the contrast and the quiet of the rooms featuring the northern artists. It is such a different atmosphere. The crowded areas made me want to move quickly but then I didn't take it in like I could have. Either way you go, it is TOO BIG to feel like you've seen it. I've never seen the furniture apartments.
