Sunday, March 10, 2013


Yes, my pashminaism is prodigal. After leaving Asia Minor on Friday night and returning to the Empress Zoe for a last night in Istanbul, Mark and I took one last turn through the old city on Saturday morning stopping in the Grand Bazaar briefly to seek a pashmina.

As you see, I found one to my liking in the store of a man who did not pester me; this is the unstoppable combination for me--not being hassled while examining a scarf that caught my eye, then some satisfying haggling for the final bargain.

After another scarf purchase today in the hill town of Monterregiono, Toscano, I have reached my self-imposed pashmina limit: 6 in a week - yes, I am cutting myself off. I might have stopped sooner but Mark keeps saying, "It's your birthday."


  1. What a cute couple! I love you two very much!

  2. WOAH! SIX?!

    Haha, just teasing. I am glad you are enjoying your birthday and as much as it can be overdone, these purchase opportunities are unique. Buy one of those pashminas in the US and it will be quadruple the cost!

    Love you lots!
